Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Hiding in the backstreets with Springsteen

Check out my picture of springsteen 'hiding in the backstreets'. Ignore me!


Monday, 11 October 2010

I'm in the Birmingham Mail today

There is a very exciting article in the Birmingham Mail today about my @stephenfry piece, please check it out, I have a full page spread!

Thank you to the wonderful Chris Henwood


Thursday, 7 October 2010

Art London opening last night - free champagne all round

I went to the opening of Art London last night at the Royal Hospital in Chelsea.

Apparently Damion Hirst and Tracey Emin were there - they must have been avoiding me.


Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Stephen Fry likes my work... and he called me 'clever'

Well, today has been exciting. Stephen Fry wrote about me on Twitter and so far 5,362 people have looked at my piece in two hours. Thank you Stephen!


Sunday, 3 October 2010


Just finished my latest piece of work for Art London next week.

@stephenfry dedicated to the self professed twitter fanatic, made up of some of his famous quotes

Hope you like it Stephen!


Saturday, 2 October 2010

New work for Art London 2010

I have finally finished, hurrah.

This is one of the pieces of the Abbey Road street sign. It is called 'Come together' and the text is all the artists who have recorded at the legendary studios, from Coldplay to Chris Moyles.

Let me know what you think.
